Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Training Day

There is certainly no rest for the wicked! I tell you this competition is not for sissies! We start our vocal training today for the top 12 show which we will be performing on Sunday. Our vocal coach is brilliant and I have complete confidence in her ability to bring out the best in us as well as the song, which I might add, is going to be a challenge! 

Things are certainly heating up here at the Idols house with our hectic schedule, not to mention the emotions we are all put through on a daily basis! We have requested a daily visit to the gym which I believe will help calm the nerves, relieve the stress and put our bodies back in shape. Lets hold thumbs and pray management allow it!

Just to let you all know that The Men of The Trees nursery is under construction and will hopefully be up and running in the next few weeks thanks to the help of my father Sam and my brother Scott, who are not only building the nursery but are keeping our band flag flying by performing live every week between KZN and JHB! thanx you guys! I wouldn't be here without you!

Well it's my turn in the vocal booth! Wish me luck! Hold thumbs!

See ya soon




  1. Here's to you making it BIG! You deserve it

  2. Fantastic Jason. Hang in for one more week, you've got the edge vocally and your performance is hot!! They haven't seen the best of you yet, wait till the guitar makes an appearance and you've got the beating of them all, put together.I know I should be gracious towards the opposition but that's your job. I want you to win!! Jax wants you to win!! Steve wants you to win!!

  3. Hey My friend - I know you have what it takes to go all the way, knock their socks off, and keep true to yourself.

  4. Jason, we think you were great ( cool new haircut! btw) Hang in there - you do have what it takes to go all the way...voice and attitude.
    All the best

  5. Hey Jay! You rock dude. We love you....your singing gives us goose bumps! Hang in there and believe in yourself. We know you can do it! Warm hugs, Maggie

  6. Sup Jay Man, Keep Your head up High, Your Rock China Bean.

    Brandon T

  7. My mom forgot to mention I also want you to win. Good luck man, either way you've got your big break but go all the way! Passion is what inspires people to vote

  8. Jason, thinking of you, and so VERY proud of you! Hang in there, your maturity and your life experiences far outweigh anything they throw at you! The sky is NOT the limit :-)
    Lots of love

  9. Hey Jason, me, Greg, Tony Psaila and all the family are voting for you all the way. Also drumming up suport via the Past Pupils Association. Go for it this weekend, we all want to see you in the Top 10.
