Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hi everyone
What a blow to the Idols house with Daniel gone. Over the past few months he has become one of my best mates and I will seriously miss our chats and late night jam sessions, truly one of the great singer/song-writers in this competition! You will go far my friend!Anyway I don't know if anyone has read the article in the latest YOU magazine regarding black people and the disadvantages with the voting system in Idols ( Thanks to YOU for the tribute to my brother Josh! We really appreciate it!). It is really interesting. I would like to ask the public to please vote on merit. We live in a very sensitive country and I believe that it will be this way for years to come, but I feel it is time to speak out. Is it not right to hire the "best man for the job". Surely this is more important than race. We see it everywhere, in our sport, in the workplace and even in Idols, and to tell you the truth it does exactly the opposite of it intended purpose. The truth is we need skill and we need to empower the people who are going to take our country to the top. This country needs this now more than ever. Test yourself and find out if you would consider a white female to be our next president. If this person had the leadership and skill to carry our country into the future then why not put her in this position. Surely that is the right thing to do. So back to Idols, I ask that people vote on merit and merit alone. I know everyone has their favourites and that's great but please vote according to performance and not race. It is time to grow up now and take our power back. Lets prove to the world that we are healed from our past, that we are no longer "need" our past and that we are able to move forward easily!
All the best!



  1. It must be strange for you being in that house so close to one another developing friendships, and then Having to say cheers to them my friend. You're doing great Jey and on Merit you deserve to go all the way. We'll keep on supporting you. Myself and Jeremy heading up to Scott's this evening to get a little practice in, gonna be strange without you there my brotherman.

  2. The thing about voting is that it reflects the opinion of the people who voted. Perhaps it would be more peaceful for the protesters just to realise this and apply it wihtin an integral framework. But that cannot be.
    Nobody is being racist, people are just doing what they want to do and just because they can afford it doesn't make them a racist. If I was competing in the Pep Maskandi Idols competition through rural SA and the votes were through the SABC or a paper ballot, would I have recourse to the race card? for fuks sake, nothing in this world is fair - mnet have produced a business plan and that's all this is. The way people wave this card is such bullshit and I dont think we should be supporting it with the vaguest consideration. As a whitey could I not say that it's racist to allow one man one vote because there are more votable resources that only vote on colour?? Fuk that - political voting in this country is still done on a race basis at the lowest income bracket, and that disproportionately benefits black politicians. Do we write articles complaining? No, because its all bullshit. Just sing and forget that crap. People can do what they want, saving the world is about facilitating the organic evolution of the psyche and collectively people are not ready to apply ideals. We do not save the world by punting ideals that the democratic mass is not able to contain within a limited framework, in just the same way that the UN is a dismal failure in Africa.

    They just lost - were not voted in - and the most loving thing you can say to someone to facilitate the personal evolution of their perspective is "Deal with it. It is what it is." just sing and let those without any internal peace complain in vain if they think it makes them feel better. I'm so sick of htis creeping its way into everything. In the end, if a black idol does not get the votes, it does not mean that anyone is racist or that the process is unfair. It just means that less people of the population of able voters are voting for her, for whatever reason. Merit is a perception and people can choose the criteria they as individuals vote upon. In the end, all it says is that Mnet, as a pay channel, has less balck viewers than white maybe. The voting population comes from Mnet's network - not the view of the country, though they boldy say it is. Perhaps they should correct this. there are other things we could do to make this more "liberal" but Mnet is a business with their business plan, and we hsould be grateful - corporations would not facilitate such an awesome show if there was no profit in it for them. Does this make it wrong? No it just means that the corporation has not reached a stage of psychological development incentivised by giving. That they do things for profit - that is where they and the individuals behind them are. Should we charge Mnet with racism because they charge a fee for their channel? That's where it gets to if your thinking can stay focused long enough consequnetially.
    Draw the line at the start of this bullshit. Forget it, and get on with what we do, people at their stages of psychological development will always complain, and there are valid points on both sides. The question is: is it worth the energy spend compensating for a perception that still sees an "Us" and a "Them"? Can I, the philosopher, ever justify holding my heart and singing my national anthem when that means I must embrace a notion that we are divided and my team is AGAINST "their" team? rubbish, i puke when I see and hear this. There is no us and no them, it's only perceived that way and any involvement below integral is just going to prolong it. At the highest level its most peaceful not to give this perspective any credit and get on with real living. Voting reflects the collcetive opinion of the people who voted. If people could understand the full implication of this simple sentence a lot more peace would become available. VOTING REFLECTS THE COLLECTIVE OPINION OF THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED. No more. The ego's call for recognition creates all this nonsense in the first place. Why should any of it matter? If you have an answer to this, thnk further and higher and bigger, for the thinking that arrives you at the answer that any of it matters is obviously getting attached to a perspective that, by virtue of it being a perspective, is limited. All perspectives are limited - by definition. The sin is to reinforce instead of expand these perspectives. Forget it, boet. Just sing, unless you want to be SEEN to be doing the RIGHT thing - which at the end is just a perception. A judgement. He who calls another a racist is the true racist - dont let perceptions that are more limited than your own drag you into a worthless journey that only time and evolution will heal. An opinion (a vote) simply reflects the stage where it is coming from, and only 2% of the world is integral. even "merit" is just a perception, and we cannot tell another what the determinants of his version of merit are. Tolerate the shit by understanding it comes from a lower place and adequately reflects that place. The UN is the biggest joke in Africa for trying to apply ideals from a world-centric position onto a nation in an ethno-centric stage of development. This will all make sense to the integral man. To the rest, it will be diluted and misapplied within a framework of understanding that was not expanded enough to contain the concepts without diluting them. It is what it is and you are part of that "is" while you stand on Mnet's glittery stage. Sing your tits off, and leave politics to the fools, or stand by a bigger statement than rhetoric. Rhetoric doesn;t and hasn't worked for decades, but to give a totally inadequate and non-sustainable fuzzy feeling in the expounder.
    Let your actions continue to be your ambassador, that works. Like the UN, be careful of anything other than an integral application. Sure stand up agaist racism, but dont do it by supporting another, seemingly more justified kind.

  3. You are the best, don't worry about the voting, I reckon you will make it all the way, I have been rooting for you from the beginning and will carry on voting till you've won
