Friday, April 10, 2009

Hi Everyone!I am wishing you all a happy Easter! I hope you all have a great weekend with your friends and family. And if you happen to be alone then I am sending you all the love you deserve!I would like to share a message that I received recently from my good friend Don who I call the Donni Lama! He is a bass player and is currently jammin in Dubai.. Good luck my friend!! Anyway This is his message.
Your journey is pure and free. Take time to listen to your heart of who you are and fill it with simple gratitude. Breath. Everyday has been given to us to enjoy. Take your experience as high as you can with the simple vibration of love. Let it draw you in and you will feel the magic. One breath in, one breath out. The miracle is happening now. The power of love is flowing with you.
Isn't that Awesome! Just a little something to get you back into the moment! Thanx Donni! So be sure to give some one a hug and enjoy the show on Sunday! I am confident that everyone is going to be incredible!

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